Fine Art Portfolio

About Me

I'm a graphic designer, web/software UI designer, usability expert and marketing guru all in one creative package! I've been a fine artist and a graphic designer for over sixteen years. You can view a my resume on my graphics portfolio site.

When I'm not working, I paint, silversmith and now I'm trying out stained glass. I enjoy learning new techniques. Charlotte, my new home, has such a wide variety of art opportunities. I've only just begun to explore the possibilities!

This site is a perpetual work in progress (Aren't they all!). Please email me with feedback or if you find any errors! In case you're wondering, I've streamlined the navigation menu but additional pages are still available from the drop down menu.



Jillian Hudson
PO Box 30843
Charlotte, NC 28230

or email at: jillian at jkhudson dot com